In diesem Artikel erfahren Sie, wie Sie einzelne Zahlungsarten in Adyen einrichten.
- Create Adyen account: If you don't have an Adyen account yet, register on the official Adyen website and create an account.
- Login and Dashboard: Log in to your Adyen account and navigate to the Adyen dashboard where you can manage all settings.
- Merchant account setup: Make sure you have set up a merchant account in Adyen to receive payments and process transactions. You can learn how to create an account here.
- Add payment types: Go to the payment settings or configuration page of your Adyen account to add new payment types.
- Select available payment types: Select the payment types you want to offer to your customers. Adyen supports a wide range of payment methods including credit cards, debit cards, bank transfers, e-wallets and local payment methods.
- Configure payment methods: Configure each selected payment method according to your requirements. This includes settings such as accepted currencies, country restrictions, fee structures, and return policies.
- Security settings: Make sure you set the necessary security measures for each payment type to prevent fraud and ensure transaction security.
- Testing the payment methods: Before you go live with the payment methods, run extensive tests in sandbox or test mode to make sure everything works smoothly.
- Integration with your store: Integrate the Adyen payment solution into your e-commerce store or platform to offer customers the selected payment methods.
- Go live: Once everything has been successfully tested, you can go live with the payment methods and enable your customers to pay using the selected payment methods.