The Dashboard section provides an overall view of the company's key performance indicators. The following graphs and KPIs are available in the Dashboard section:
Total Transactions
During the selected period, all transactions are displayed. There are four transaction steps in total.
- Create
- Reserve
- Capture
- Return
It is important to note that this metric does not represent the number of orders received. For example, one order can include two transactions for a partial delivery.
Happy Transactions
This metric represents the total number of all successful transactions in the selected time period that did not result in any glitches, abandonments, or returns. In addition, orders with a basket value of less than €50 are not taken into account.
Net Revenue
This key figure includes all revenues resulting from transactions in which there were no returns or cancellations on the part of customers. Only the actual revenue generated is taken into account after refunds and cancellations have been deducted.
This ratio is of particular importance as it reflects successfully completed transactions.
Happy ratio
This key figure indicates the percentage of transactions that were completed without any problems and went smoothly.
Imperfect Reasons
This key figure provides an overview of all transactions that did not achieve the desired success. Four aspects are taken into account:
- Cancelled:
The number of transactions that were cancelled prior to the start of payment is recorded. The following graphic shows different status stages that a transaction can pass through during its lifecycle.
A distinction is made between canceling and rejecting a transaction. If a status between steps 1 to 4 is not successful, this is considered as a cancel.
If status 1-4 is successful but Step 5 is unsuccessful, then the payment request is not executed. Then it is a rejection.
- Returned:
The number of recorded returns is displayed. The calculation of the number is done on the "Refunded Transactions" check.
- Delayed:
The amount of time that elapses between the creation (Create) and the debit (Capture) of a transaction is measured. Transactions that took longer than 150,000 seconds are recorded.
- Low Value:
The number of transactions are displayed where the cart value was less than 50€.
Total & Imperfect Transactions
This graph shows the time trend of all transactions compared to the "Imperfect Reasons". It is used to provide a visual representation of the trend over time. By analyzing the trend over time, companies can identify changes in the ratio of successful to "unsuccessful" transactions. This can provide clues to potential problems, such as a high percentage of returns on a given day.
Total Revenue & Return Value
This chart shows the net revenue for each payment method compared to the value of returns. It provides information on the total value of all returned items for each payment method.
It is important to know the percentage of returns for each payment method, as this can indicate potential problems or dissatisfaction with a particular payment method. By analyzing the ratio of net sales to returns for each payment method, it is possible to determine if certain payment methods are more likely to result in returns. This allows targeted action to be taken to identify the reasons for increased returns and provide appropriate solutions.