The collana pay pricing model includes free transaction contingents. Only when these are exceeded do additional transaction fees become due, which vary depending on the pricing model.
What is a chargeable transaction?
A transaction for collana pay is a kind of collective container for a complete payment process and is initially created with a unique ID (transaction ID) during the first communication with collana pay:
Within a transaction, interactions occur during the various steps of the payment process (e.g. reservation, capture or refund). These are called interactions and are listed within a transaction ID.
Only the number of transaction IDs created by collana pay in a month is subject to a fee. Regardless of how many interaction steps there are (e.g. two reservations, three partial captures and one refund), it counts as one created transaction and is only charged as one transaction.
Example 1: Growth plan customer, 12,345 transactions per billing month
The Growth plan includes 10,000 transactions per month that are included in the base fee. The 2,345 transactions above the free limit will be charged additionally at the transaction price included in the Growth plan.
Example 2: Starter Plan Customer, 896 Transactions per Billing Month
The Starter plan includes 1,000 transactions per month included in the base fee. The 896 transactions do not exceed this contingent. There are no additional fees for the billing month.