
  • Direct connect architecture with collana pay
    The integration of collana pay offers two available options. The sales process is the same for both options. However, communication is handled differently. The direct connection requires a webshop integration, which enables a seamless connection to collana pay. With the direct connection, the w...
  • “Payment transaction import” architecture
    The integration of collana pay offers two options. The sales process is the same for both options. With the import connection, the web shop is connected to the payment service provider. The data is transferred to the ERP system via the web shop interface and is then processed by collana pay. This...
  • Diagram of the communication process
    The following diagrams illustrate the integration and communication of collana pay:
  • How does the communication between ERP, shop, collana pay and PSP work?
    The following diagram shows an example of the communication between collana pay and the connected systems. Here, the collana pay API synchronously always returns only key values, while the actual response is asynchronous. The following steps are shown: The payment process is started in the websh...